
Cooke Scotland operates in some of the most remote and beautiful areas of the UK.

Engagement with local communities and public bodies is critical to understanding local issues and to ensure potential developments are as mutually beneficial as possible.

We encourage public consultation at the earliest opportunity on all projects, as it highlights any potential issues at the start of the development process.

This allows us the potential to modify proposed developments to mitigate or eliminate such issues before applications for planning permission are submitted.

This page is where public consultation materials relating to proposed developments can be found.

All public consultations will be advertised in advance through the local press and our social media channels.

If more information is required or if you have any issues accessing materials on this site please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page.

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This consultation closes on 24/11/2021

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Kirknoust, Rousay, Orkney

Cooke Scotland will be holding a pre-application consultation event regarding a proposed re-development of the Kirknoust marine farm in Rousay Sound, Orkney. 

Representatives from Cooke Scotland’s Environmental team will be available at the engagement event to provide information and answer questions about the proposed development.

Consultation date

Wednesday 4 December 2024 at Rousay Primary School,
12-2pm and 5-7pm.

East Skelwick Skerry, Orkney

Cooke Scotland is proposing the redevelopment of an existing Atlantic salmon farm at East Skelwick Skerry, North Sound, Orkney.

We are seeking public feedback on the SEPA Screening Modelling and Risk Identification Report for the proposed redevelopment. Details of the consultation can be found on the East Skelwick Skerry project page.

Consultation dates

Wednesday 16 October 2024 to Wednesday 6 November 2024.  


Cooke Scotland is keen to hear from anyone with comments, queries or suggestions related to any active consultation or development proposal.

To submit comments, or to request more information, please contact us.

+44 (0)808 196 4790